#23 Illogical Instructions Part 4: Provision where there is lack

Announcements:  Reminder: My bible study, “Journey to Purpose”, is available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon (print and e-format), Xulon Press, and other Christian bookstores. If you missed the E-launch feel free to watch the previously recorded Facebook Live sessions.

This is the final installment of our four-part series on “illogical instructions”. We learned the role trust plays in our relationship with God. If you missed Part 3, click the link at the end of this post. It bears repeating that trusting God means that we submit to God’s plan by laying aside conventional wisdom, knowledge, experiences, and even past works of God to realize that God is doing a new thing, moving in a different way in our lives, or preparing us for a breakthrough. God will give us an illogical instruction that is outside of our knowledge, wisdom, ability, or experience. We have seen how God builds our trust in Him through illogical instructions while in the midst of a battle, a move of God, or healing. God uses illogical instruction to aid in our Christian development, specifically, to build our faith and trust in Him. We have come to learn that our breakthrough is dependent on our obedience to an illogical instruction. We continue our review of instances where God gives an illogical instruction, discover areas of increased trust, and note how God uses circumstance and our obedience to an illogical instruction to bring about delivering power and provision of God.

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#21 Illogical Instructions Part 2: Noah – A move of God

Announcements:  Reminder: My bible study, “Journey to Purpose”, is available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon (print and e-format), Xulon Press, and other Christian bookstores. If you missed the E-launch feel free to watch the previously recorded Facebook Live sessions.

This is the second in our four-part series on “illogical instructions”. Last week, we talked about the role that trust plays in our relationship with God. If you missed that post, click the link at the end of this post. The important part that bears repeating is that trusting God means that we submit to God’s plan by laying aside conventional wisdom, knowledge, experiences, and even past works of God to realize that God is doing a new thing or moving in a different way in our lives. Sometimes, God will give us an illogical instruction that is outside of our knowledge, wisdom, ability, or experience. Recall that God builds our trust in Him by giving us an illogical instruction while in the midst of a trying situation like sickness, lack, a move of God, or a battle. Since illogical instructions are a part of our Christian development, we need to understand when, why, and to what end God gives us illogical instructions. A thoughtful understanding of illogical instructions will help us accept the illogical instructions we receive while on our journey to or while fulfilling purpose. We will continue our review of instances where God gives an illogical instruction, discover areas of increased trust, and note how God uses circumstance and our obedience to an illogical instruction to bring about a move of God and fulfill His purpose and plan.

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#20 Illogical Instructions Part 1: God will fight my battles

Announcements:  Reminder: My bible study, “Journey to Purpose”, is available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon (print and e-format), Xulon Press, and other Christian bookstores. If you missed the E-launch feel free to watch the previously recorded Facebook Live sessions.

An important criterion for any lasting relationship is trust –trust in the word and character of a significant other. Without trust, doubt and suspicion can creep into relationships and manifests in questioning a partners motives or displaying apprehensiveness in responding to requests. The thing about trust is that it requires you to have faith in the motives, words, and character of a significant other. Trust demands that you respond favorably even when you don’t have all the information you would like. In our relationship with God, exercising trust means that sometimes we will be asked to lay aside conventional wisdom, knowledge,  experiences, and even past works of God to realize that God is doing a new thing or moving in a different way in our lives.

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